What I mean in posting this is that it's what my life revolves around and what people are itching to know.
I'm concerned people who are nice to me or simply already know me can get hurt or affected mentally.
age 11
I was sort of feeling pressure for some unknown reason and wanted to play around with my dad. I was distraught my homework was not done, even after being at it all afternoon. I wanted to talk to my dad. So, when he came home, I said, "Oh, no!" He assumed I was saying that because he came home and didn't say anything to me this time. I did it again, feeling embarrassed to face my mistake. My mom was furious and told me my dad wanted me to stop when we were alone. I could feel pressure from my dad and I ended up staying up later and later every night. I stopped growing and looked ugly.
age 19
People communicated to me via little ticking noises in private. It got in the way of school. My dad used to brag about people who didn't care about school. My dad has been mean and psychologically hurtful to me since and is relentless not to stop. I'm 32 now and still am stuck at home...
age 20
I used store cards to get things, and now it affects movies that are made and stores that are opened. I also bought things with the money my parents gave me when I didn't save like I think I should have, tho they hadn't said.
age 21
In 2006, I was constantly in pain from noises that hurt me and people around me, even from inside, bothered me. People think I am bad cuz I did poorly in college and and to go home, had spent the money my parents gave me and store cards for food and things, for some strange reason, 2007 and later, posted my mom's and little brother's pictures online, etc. It was strange when I posted the pictures I didn't feel it was wrong, tho I've been told not to by them. Anyway, I had grown up with about perfect behavior and did what I was supposed to do.
age 21
I felt something like suicidal or hopeless and so ended up spamming my friends advice. They didn't ever answer, some. One was in Germany, and now the whole country knows about and hates me.